Food in Neighborhoods (FIN) is a group of concerned organizers, activists, and community members who come together to collaborate to improve the food and farm system of Louisville. FIN’s mission is to support community efforts to build a just, healthy, and sustainable food system in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Food Vision 2030
Food Vision 2030 Executive Summary
Food Vision 2030 Poised to Transform
Louisville’s Food System:
Newly-Created Greater Louisville Food Council
to Guide Implementation
November 13, 2024
Eneitra Beattie, Co-Chair, Greater Louisville Food Council
502-314-5442 / greenzntingzllc@gmail.com
Amanda Fuller, Steering Committee, Food in Neighborhoods
502-715-3807 / finlouisville@gmail.com
Louisville, Kentucky – The new Greater Louisville Food Council will guide the implementation of the Food Vision 2030, which can be found at www.foodinneighborhoods.org. The Food Council is comprised of 22 individuals united in the common purpose of creating an equitable and resilient Louisville regional food system that supports all aspects of the food system – from the producer to the consumer.
Members of the Greater Louisville Food Council are: Daishauna Aleman, Eneitra Beattie, Abbey Bowman-Rogers, Taylor Candey, Juan Davis, Jane Evans, Tay G, Lakeisha Gardner, Zuri Harrison, Amir Hussein, Rhona Kamar, Jay Luckett, Zoha Mian, Kinshasta Reed, Jo Rodman, Taylor Ryan, Emily Smith, Megan Steed, Angelina Strickland, Kaila Washington, Andrea Wright, and Theresa Zawacki.
“Members of the Food Council are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work on the Food Vision 2030. Our collaborative structure is powerful, and we are using our skills and relationships to mobilize resources in Louisville and build the food system our city needs,” said Eneitra Beattie, Co-Chair of the Food Council.
Food in Neighborhoods (FIN) secured a US Department of Agriculture Regional Food System Partnerships grant in 2022 to host two public Food Summits, develop the Food Vision 2030, and launch the Greater Louisville Food Council. The project has involved more than a dozen partner organizations and hundreds of volunteers over two years. Food in Neighborhoods is a group of concerned organizers, activists, and community members who come together to support community efforts to build a just, healthy, and sustainable food system in Louisville, Kentucky.
“FIN is thrilled to be able to help usher in a new era of food justice in our city, one where farmers and urban growers are supported, and where everyone, especially in food apartheid neighborhoods, has access to affordable, local, and healthy food,” said Amanda Fuller, member of the Food in Neighborhoods steering committee. “With the new Food Council in place and a road map for needed initiatives and policy changes in the Food Vision 2030, we are positioned to create a more just and sustainable food economy.”
Community members interested in contributing to this work are invited to volunteer as a participant in Working Groups, which meet monthly. Details are at Food in Neighborhoods’ website: foodinneighborhoods.org/foodcouncil.
For more information, contact Greater Louisville Food Council Co-Chair Eneitra Beattie at greenzntingzllc@gmail.com and Food in Neighborhoods Steering Committee: Von Barnes, Taylor Ryan, Taylor Gunsauley, Bethany Pratt, Amanda Fuller, Andrew Kang Bartlett at finlouisville@gmail.com.